Monday, July 28, 2008

Ride a donkey nacked!

“A change of style is a change of subject.”

About this Mrs Alfred; that wants to ride the donkey naked, I think that is sweet. I agree with her that even if she was naked she would be all that would remain. I think we are all pretending some how. How this poem makes me feel, is that no matter what we are who we are and we can not just chance that.

What I will say about the day when we all got up and read our poems and let our feelings and interpretations on Stevens out, everyone was brave. I heard voice’s shake like trees. I saw uncomfortable glance’s around. I even saw one person’s brave tears. I just want to say kudo to everyone that stoop up and did something that makes them a wee bit uncomfortable with. I was interested in what every one had to say.

The drawing’s that were on the board make me laugh even when I was far from the class room.

Friday, July 25, 2008

SONNETS(where did my cool font from word go???)

Lets Talk about sonnets!
I figure I should write like this because they are so beautiful(sometimes) that I figured my font should refect this!

What I have personally got out of sonnets, how I feel. NO cut and paste here!
First its straight forward that there are two kinds of sonnets English also know as Shakespearian (Gee I wonder why?) and then Italian.

The format goes
ABABCDCDDEFEGG this has 14 lines and should go along with iambic pentameter(duh-DUH-duh-DUH-duh-DUH-duh-DUH-duh-DUH) This means hard sound soft sound. The other important thing is that each line must have ten syllables brings you back to DUH duh.
This duh is the ironic twist with sonnets its like it’s a tease! Saying see DUH im easy but there hard stuff!
Another important part is the couplet which is the GG where the problem is solved! The first quatrain is the part where you bring the theme up. The second quatrain is where you describe your problem, AND LAST with the GG you resolve the problem in a couplet!


Found Poetry:
I found my found poetry on a class syllabus that I am not really into. The class is political science. This is my wonderful poem I sculpted.


Current events
Shaped by whom?
Your collective future
Provide skills and knowledge
Make a difference
Introduction with discussion
Foundation Then explore
Now, Its your tomorrow

I liked doing this because for just a few days I looked at everthing in a different light.


This is to my dear friend Rob King. I wrote this poem to tell him and the world that I get sad every time he leaves me. I love that he stays and makes sure I am ok from the creeps. He is sweet enough to take out my garbage and give me a big hug ever night. I love you Rob even though you are thirty years my senior. J



Here to serve you beer is one of my tasks
I like to watch you play there across the room
Wondering why I feel like this outcast
Oh dear rob, Boston Red Sox make you swoon
Hey Is your beer warm or maybe to cold
Perhaps soon we talk religion or war
You are a Romeo so nice and bold
Everyday here I want to see you much more
But now, im to worry to leave from this?
I will worry mighty to drive from this bliss
Now huge sadness not being by your side
You left im all alone just a cell phone
I here in the dark sadness all a-lone.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


One of my favorite topics in Great expectations is LOVE! This topic comes up repeatly, how pip is always looking for love in a sence, and how it seems to start with his deep love for joe, who shows it in ways like giving him extra gravy.

My fav way that this topic comes back up is with Estella. I love how he says the only reason he loved her was because he simply found her irrestiable. I think everyone is at sometime in love with someone who can never love them back, or even the other way around.

That pip can not even tell Estella how much he loves her untill he knows it is just hopeless. That he just hoped he could have said something sooner. That he knew that it was more logical for him to love Biddy.

There are many themes in this book, that are very relavent, such as, class,idenity,love, and of course expectations. Those are the ones that I have come to notice the most. I belive that every person alive today has to deal with all four of those. I however find that love is the best. :)

Monday, July 7, 2008


I have got to thinking about, how we strive to be better people. I think that a lot of us do try to get there the best we can, but some of us take easy way's and lie about who we are, or what we are really about.Joe says something to pip that really got me thinking,"If you can't get to be oncommon through going straight, you'll never get to do it through going crooked."(Chapter 9,p.82.) Of course this is from the book, Great Expectations. This is an elementry thought that I think a lot of our parents try to get us to follow. I can see in pip that he wants to be a certain way and be oncommon as Joe puts it. I wonder how everyone else feel's? tell me, do you think that just by telling the truth you can move up classes? and not just be in your own sence a common blacksmith, or just by always telling the truth and striving can you get there?

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Mr. Pip?

I was just thinking tonight, as Im reading Great Expectations that........... I really hope that his life gets better.

6-30 EVERY STORY.....

One simple thing to think about,"Every story is a re-telling of an earlier story." I guess that can be true. It kinda bother's me that my story has already been told then. I feel that I can come up with a story that no one knows! There are so many movies out there that do have the same concepts in there, along with books also. They do make lots of remakes of old movies, such as Breakfast at Tiffany's. I think the reason that happens is there are some stories that are so importat to know the lessons or to learn something. I belive that everyone knows certein stories such as the tortoise and hare. I think that this concept is why we read certain books in english classes.