Friday, July 25, 2008


This is to my dear friend Rob King. I wrote this poem to tell him and the world that I get sad every time he leaves me. I love that he stays and makes sure I am ok from the creeps. He is sweet enough to take out my garbage and give me a big hug ever night. I love you Rob even though you are thirty years my senior. J



Here to serve you beer is one of my tasks
I like to watch you play there across the room
Wondering why I feel like this outcast
Oh dear rob, Boston Red Sox make you swoon
Hey Is your beer warm or maybe to cold
Perhaps soon we talk religion or war
You are a Romeo so nice and bold
Everyday here I want to see you much more
But now, im to worry to leave from this?
I will worry mighty to drive from this bliss
Now huge sadness not being by your side
You left im all alone just a cell phone
I here in the dark sadness all a-lone.

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