Friday, July 25, 2008

SONNETS(where did my cool font from word go???)

Lets Talk about sonnets!
I figure I should write like this because they are so beautiful(sometimes) that I figured my font should refect this!

What I have personally got out of sonnets, how I feel. NO cut and paste here!
First its straight forward that there are two kinds of sonnets English also know as Shakespearian (Gee I wonder why?) and then Italian.

The format goes
ABABCDCDDEFEGG this has 14 lines and should go along with iambic pentameter(duh-DUH-duh-DUH-duh-DUH-duh-DUH-duh-DUH) This means hard sound soft sound. The other important thing is that each line must have ten syllables brings you back to DUH duh.
This duh is the ironic twist with sonnets its like it’s a tease! Saying see DUH im easy but there hard stuff!
Another important part is the couplet which is the GG where the problem is solved! The first quatrain is the part where you bring the theme up. The second quatrain is where you describe your problem, AND LAST with the GG you resolve the problem in a couplet!

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